Duke House

Located in the Kitsilano neighborhood of Vancouver, Duke House is a step-down, transitional housing program that is designated to facilitate the timely movement of discharge ready patients from Vancouver hospitals. Based on each individual’s unique strengths and abilities, this program empowers residents to self manage their illness so that they may pursue more independent living opportunities in the community.


Duke House provides short-term housing for six individuals. Mental health workers are on site for 15 hours per day, Monday to Friday and 12 hours per day on weekends.


Duke House aims to provide comprehensive and practical supports to individuals learning to manage their mental illness once they are discharged from a hospital setting. We believe that by providing supports tailored to the needs of each individual, we can reduce the length of hospital stays experienced by people living with mental illness.

Get in touch!

Need to get in touch with us? Either fill out our form with your inquiry or reach us by email or phone.